Test your knowledge about these fascinating pollinators that play a vital role in our ecosystem by reading the question and then revealing the answer by clicking on the arrow. From their intricate hive structures to their crucial role in agriculture, bees are more than just buzzing insects—they're essential to our planet's biodiversity!
BEE Basics

Question #1
What is an apiary?

Comes from the Latin word "apiarium" or "beehouse''. It is where beehives are kept and taken care of by beekeepers.

Question #2
What is honey?

It is sticky, high-energy gold liquid that bees produce with the nectar they drink from flowers.

Question #3
What is pollen?

It is a microspore from a male flower that carries its reproductive cells. Bees help the pollination process!

Question #4
What is a queen bee?

She’s the largest and longest-living bee. She is the only bee that can lay eggs and has a special smell.

Question #5
What are drone bees?

Are all male bees. The only job the drone bee has is to eat and mate with the Queen.

Question #6
What are worker bees?

Are all female bees. None of them can lay eggs and they are the only bees that leave the hive.

Question #7
What is a honeycomb?

It is an edible, hexagonal substance created by honeybees where they can store things like larvae or honey.

Question #8
What is a Bee Brood?
